Old 01-19-2015, 11:19 AM
Jan in VA
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Well, I'll be jiggered; I guess that coin was a penny although I'd have bet my life I had used a quarter when I took that picture several years ago! ('Course I'm more likely to own a penny than a quarter anyway! Hahaha!)

The stitch length I mentioned was NOT meant to criticize anyone else's quilting -- heaven forbid! -- but simply to make a point that, when we taught the class (at Silver Threads in Plano), we suggested students aim for 4-6 stitches as an average. In our regular handquilting classes we suggested an 8-10 stitch average.

I'm sure, as long as your stitches aren't nearly 1/2 an inch long, your quilting passes muster for "hand quilting" instead of "basting!! Gosh, my basting stitches are usually a bit over 1 - 1 1/2 inches long!

I do only big stitch quilting now because of the damage in my hands. Haven'tr done any since I had the carpal tunel on the left in December; the right hand will be done on January 28th, weather permitting the drive in. And when recovered I'll get back to trying my previous regular quilting of 9 stitches per inch. If I don't make it, who cares, right!!
Jan in VA
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