Old 01-22-2015, 09:46 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2015
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Posts: 7

Originally Posted by Windblown View Post
Claus I saw a older Paff for sale and it appeared to have the same type of bobbin that yours uses. Also some of the online vintage machine sites in the UK have these type of bobbins for sale, have you tried a search of them? They are very well informed. I hope this is of some help to you.
I have tried searching, but find it difficult to explain the "fingers" and their position on the bobbin case illustrated in my guide. Ofcourse I dont even know how big my bobbin case is supposed to be, or what other models it may fit. I have bought one China-clone and one vintage "Simanco 15277" on eBay to see if I have any luck
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