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Old 01-30-2015, 05:51 PM
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Default Thread breaks on FMQ

I'm having a problem with the FMQ I'm doing and if anyone has any thoughts I'd appreciate it. I'm doing a fairly large scale stipple and nearly every time I turn a curve and head away from me with the stitching the top thread breaks. Curves where I go to the right, left, or toward me are fine. Tension looks good. I'm using 100% cotton fabric top and backing, warm and natural batting, Sulky blendables 30 weight cotton thread - both top and bobbin, and a 90 Inspira topstitch needle. I'm doing it on my Pfaff Performance 5.0 and normally it does a great job when I FMQ. The only thing new from what I usually do is the batting, which I'm using from a roll from work we can use for donation quilts. I have to be doing something wrong and I have no idea. I've rethreaded both the top and bobbin multiple times and changed to a new needle. Trying to do some quick FMQ to finish up a Project Linus quilt and it has me totally frustrated. Any ideas?
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