Thread: Help Please
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Old 02-01-2015, 09:56 AM
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Default Help Please

Howdy y'all

My home computer went on the blink about 3 years ago, but it was no big deal because I had my computer at work to save patterns and other quilting stuff that I liked. Plus, I used my iPhone to browse the web with. The first problem that came up was when my best friend gave me EQ7 for my birthday, and of course I couldn't install it at work. So I saved up and bought myself a refurbished laptop.

Then I retired. I was able to save all the patterns and such that I had onto CD-ROM, so that was no big deal. However... I've lost all of the links I had for free patterns, online quilting supplies, tutorials, and all of the blogs I was following. So would you kind people mind sharing some of your favorite sites with me so I can get some on my new (to me) computer? I would sure appreciate it!

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