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Old 02-12-2015, 09:14 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
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The reason you haven't seen a quilt on here where you don't like the colors is that "we" don't post the ones that didn't quite work out...

I'm profoundly color blind - I can see the basic 8 colors but often can't distinguish shades, and some shades look washed out in a fabric, so aren't very visible to me. I used to hate to fabric shop, but got over that, and now have a large collection of fabric.

When I'm looking at a fabric , so I stick to at most four fabrics in most of my quilt. Some tricks that I use when buying fabric: a) look at stripes as they often have 4 - 6 colors in them; that helps me understand what will work together, b) ask for help - most quilt store personnel are more than happy to help. and the guild members in both my guilds are very happy to help, as well, c) a few high contrast fabrics - black vs white, red/white/blue, yellow/blue, etc often make stunning quilts. d) find a fabric that you absolutely love - you don't have to have a quilt in mind - and buy 2 - 3 yards of it. Then take a piece of it and hunt down the colors/fabrics that will enhance it.

Solids are 'in' these days, especially in modern quilts, so buy solids and make a few quilts. Add one print to make it more interesting. Next Quilt, add two prints, and so on.

There are many on-line quilt stores. I know that Connecting Threads has an online tool that lets you audition their fabrics in a quilt before you buy; give that a try.

One last thought - sometimes it's not the color choices that is presenting a problem for me. Sometimes it's too many too-busy fabrics. Too many busy fabrics make my eyes feel stressed, with no place to rest. The colors work great, but the fabrics don't play well together.

I predict many years of happy fabric shopping ahead.

Last edited by cathyvv; 02-12-2015 at 09:27 PM.
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