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Old 02-17-2015, 09:09 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
Posts: 14,083

As much as you feel that this quilt is "too busy" compared to the quilts that you make, I would suggest that you treat it as a challenge to step "outside your comfort zone", and you may be surprised with the final result, especially since it is a sampler quilt. I think the colors and fabrics are pretty, and I look forward to seeing the final quilt. I once was asked to make a quilt for a friend - she had sewn strips of fabrics together in 8-10" strips, and wanted red sashing between the strips. This was indeed a big step outside my comfort zone, especially with the red. I just kept telling me what I'd heard a quilter say on an interview with Alex Anderson on Simply Quilts where she said she considered red as a neutral. I kept telling myself "red is a neutral" while making the quilt, which became my mantra. While I had reservations about the quilt top, both my son and husband really liked it. My friend was delighted with the quilt and paid me more than I would have anticipated, since we had not discussed a price. She asked if she could take credit for the quilt, and I agreed because she was a friend and she was also 80 years young. A girlfriend made 2 more quilts just like it for her, which meant all 3 of her daughters would have one of her quilts as her legacy. I think the quilt will be beautiful when completed.
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