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Old 02-26-2015, 05:16 AM
Barb in Louisiana
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Originally Posted by Quiltngolfer View Post
These are beautiful. I am working down on my UFOs too. This is my 3rd year and I think I will get them all done this year. It's a good feeling to get them all completed.
I wish I could get them all completed, but to get almost half done will be a success for me. A good friend told me one day, "Finished is better than perfect." She is so right. And, I am evaluating some of the ones that I don't really like any more. The friend who made the comment, took the ones she didn't like and made mug rugs, or pot holders with them and called them "Done." She really makes sense. My goal is to get the list under 10 and only have ones on there that I want to do.

And thanks for all the good comments on my quilts. These are some of the ones I started out with and lots less complex than several that I have that will be going on the long arm later this year. I still need a lot of practice with the long arm.

The secret for me has been making the UFO list and getting all my UFO's in only a couple of places. That way I go out and look at the list and pick the most interesting or least work to get finished. I'm off to the sewing room! Who needs breakfast? Coffee is enough!
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