Thread: Quilting Dilema
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Old 02-26-2015, 08:36 AM
KellyPete's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Monticello, WI
Posts: 70
Default Quilting Dilema

About four years ago I started a quilt. Got it all cut out and started the assembly process. Then a few things happened, mainly a move and the need to make some gift quilts. I just finished up a quilt and while waiting for it to be quilted at the long armer I dug out this neglected project. Amazingly I found everything for it since I really didn't put it in a project bag or anything. Well, while working on it last night, I realized another reason that it didn't get any further than it did. When I ordered the layer cake for it I didn't realize there were two colorways and I got the wrong one. Of course, it is now out of production and I couldn't get it if I wanted to. To be honest, I'm just not "feeling" this one. I made a block to see if that made any difference and while it did, I'm still not sure I am going to like the finished project. So, do I A) Finish the top and let it languish until I find someone to gift it to, B) Totally complete it and donate to an organization that is in need of raffle gifts, or C) Put the entire thing up for adoption! The pattern was off of the ModaBakeShop web-site so whomever would adopt it can easily get the pattern.


Thanks in advance and have a beautiful day!!!

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