Old 03-03-2015, 10:41 PM
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Thanks, I think he's pretty darn cute, too...and dh and I certainly waited long enough to get him...I used to tease my son I was going to be my own grandma! My son would fire right back at me that at the rate he was going he'd start asking any potential dates if they had grandkids!.. lol..

Well, I have my partners pin cushion done...now I'm working on the needle case.

Sweet pic of your cats, patches.

I have no pets.. I did have my dear kitty, Buttons..Butts for short, but she's been gone almost 6 years. And I didn't start gathering fabrics, quilting until she passed.
But I hear ya on the allergies...as smoke really gets to me, my dh, and especially my mom...as she only has 1 lung.
But I just wash anything that comes in that might be smoky, as I know signing up for these swaps we take a chance on things. A quick hand wash and press with Best Press or the lavender scented spray starch, and it's all fine. Plus, I really enjoy ironing my fabrics.. yes, that's crazy..but I do like the way they look afterwards.
I'm not sure how it works for you with the pet stuff, if washing it will make it okay for you? I know it's the animal's saliva that causes the allergies. Of course they lick themselves, so their hair would be an issue.

My sweet kitty used to get a bath every now and again. Even though she was strictly an indoor cat. Too many mean people that don't mind hurting animals, so we kept her inside. We started bathing her as a kitten. Our rather dh did. I'd hear a "Ree-eowr" coming from the bathroom, and I wasn't sure if it was dh or Butts...haha
After her bath, he'd come out carrying her all wrapped in a towel. We'd dry her as much as possible, which she loved that part. Then she'd promptly jump down from his lap, walk off a lil ways, and go to licking herself...so much for the bath! Haha..

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