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Old 03-09-2015, 09:35 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
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I regretted buying my very 1st quilt machine. It was a Viking MegaQuilter 9". I don't regret the machine itself as it stitched great for me. The problem was why did I buy a quilt machine when quilting was not even a hobby I was fond of at the time. Had only made one quilt at that time and was miffed at how the quilter quilted it for me. Hadn't felt I'd been bitten by the "quilt bug" either so why spend all that money on a machine I probably wouldn't use that much. Where as time moved along I did get interested in quilting, added robotics to the 1st system, changed machines as time went on and finally got a real "longarm" machine, 26", 12 foot frame so obviously the quilt bug did finally bite me big time.

If the machine is not stitching correctly, you should call the company you bought it from and see if they can either walk you thru correcting it or have them come check it out. If the "timing" you're talking about it "timing in your life" than that's something you will need to mediate on and make a decision for you. Sometimes it just isn't the right time in your life with making large purchases that may effect your life later. Its hard to say but good luck in your decision. Been there, done that. Still regret some of my decisions yet.
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