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Old 04-02-2015, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by quiltedsunshine View Post
Lynn and Kathy, who sell the BlockRockit are great to work with, and have lots of great support and video tutorials to help you.

The HQ Sweet 16 is a great machine, except for the stitch regulator.

Have not heard of the George, yet.

Have fun with your search!
The George is an APQS machine and is a sit-down longarm (has a 20" throat). Are you looking for a longarm or a midarm? All sitdown machines require you to push the sandwich through the machine, while a midsize or standard longarm are on a frame that you requires loading the sandwich on the frame.

I love my Innova 26" with a stitch regulator, but purchasing any machine is definitely a personal choice, so you should try as many machines as possible. You can see what is in your budget, and consider looking for a used or demo machine. Ask the dealers if they have one available, or you can look online at a site like Longarm University. Also, if you buy a new machine, ask if classes are included, so you can learn the basics.

Another suggestion is, if possible before buying, see if one of your LQS offers a class and rents time on their longarm and see if you like quilting on a longarm (midsize will be similar).

Last edited by caspharm; 04-02-2015 at 06:13 PM.
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