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Old 04-12-2015, 06:39 PM
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Default more epp questions

I just had a couple of epp questions I felt sure I could get answered here! First of all, how many of you leave your basting stitches in, never take them out? Second, is there a way to piece the hexagons (or whatever shape) w/out having to stop and start a new piece of thread each time? In other words, can I cut a longish piece of thread and baste several hexies, with space between, before knotting off? Hope that makes sense. I feel like I spend a lot of time stopping, knotting, cutting the thread, and starting the next hexie, maybe I am just being a crybaby, lol. I am just wondering what little short cuts some of you may have come up with.

OK, maybe that is all the questions I have right now. I have read a lot of the older posts on epp but just felt my questions were not answered.

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