Old 04-16-2015, 08:09 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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Default Has anyone ever kept/bought a bed just to display their quilts?!

sorry this is lengthy but trying to think through things...

I know this sounds really stupid but I figure I can't be the only one thinking this way (and I may need some intervention and sound advice..gently though please!)

I have a 3 bedroom townhome and live alone and very seldom have company- the master bedroom is pretty huge-mongous (not a mansion but built in the 70s when they did weird floor plans and some rooms (like the kitchen) are weird shaped and small and others are large and unfunctional (bedroom with dinky shower only no tub bathroom and downstairs with wet bar removed and totally unfunctional open space which will be sewing area!) when I bought the house I had a fullsize bed so I bought a king size bed and frame only for the master and a new full size mattress and frame for one of the smaller bedrooms. the other bedroom my parents brought down the antique iron bedframe I'd had when I was really little (before 2nd grade when we moved) it's not super sturdy (according to my mom but Ive slept on it once, a friend a couple of times, and my cousin for an entire summer...). I've managed over 15 yrs to sorta stuff this place with my own stuff as well as my parents' stuff when they passed 3 yrs ago. my mom had a lot of neat stuff (some family rocking chairs (2) and another rocking chair...along with a BUNCH of sewing machines many with cabinets. I don't want to get rid of them.

well the thing is - I could get rid of the king size bed in the master and that would free up space both for exercise and some of the sewing machines/cabinets. I have a few quilts that fit that bed well - maybe 2 - the others I've used on it would probably fit a queen mattress better. some of the quilts I've made the tops but not quilted yet would fit a queen well (too big for the full mattress I'm currently using) and since I was rooky I wasn't thinking about sizes like I should have been I usually sleep on the newer full mattress since that room is cooler/warmer at the right times - the master is on the southwest side of the house and isn't insulated well so it gets hotter in the summer and colder in the winter- not too bad when exercising but not when I'm sleeping in the summer. I brought down a big queen setup(minus the mattress) from my mom's and a full mattress i've heard will work ok with it (has the big cabinets on the side and mirror where the headboard goes)

so....sorry so lengthy....the queen setup would technically fit in the smaller bedroom where I sleep but the sewing machines would have to go somewhere else (I have 4 cabinets in that room and they fit well now)and I think with the regular ceiling in that room and the shape that the bed would dominate or even overwhelm that room (that's plan A put the queen setup in that room) the best fit would be to put the head blocking the one and only window in that room (not wild about that idea in spite of using the room mainly for sleeping and i work rotating shifts so blocking the light might not be a bad idea...but not fresh air the other times) the other direction might block the closet or make it harder to get in and out of IF I went with a queen mattress (full wouldn't block since I have it faced that way now)

the master bedroom would hold the queen setup better but again I'd have a bedroom setup instead of space for exercising though I'd have a bit more space on the sides esp if I move the desk and chest that's there now. and my quilts would look stunning on a queen mattress and be easily seen with it in the master (bed is right when you walk in the door front and center)

so should i ditch the king frame/mattress (leaving 2 quilts that probably won't work as well on the queen but wouldn't drag ground) and being able to get about 5-6 other quilts quilted that would work great on a queen?

or should I do some seam-ripping on the ones not quilted and make them full -size then forget about the bigger ones if they wont' work on the full? sniff...I could put up something to hang them but I really dont' have tons of wallspace(have bookshelves my dad made and other stuff against the walls other than where the bed would have been) it's also possible I would start sleeping in that room some when the temps aren't extreme (the queen setup would help insulate that back wall I think)

so basically the only purpose in getting rid of the king mattress in master bedroom and replacing with the queen setup is I would have a stunning display of my larger quilts the queen setup is nice esp with the mirror but it isnt' sentimental or anything antique-y (my favorite) it's just a really nice headboard/cabinet/mirror setup and a queen mattress would display my quilts and leave me a bit more room on the side for exercise stuff.

so am I nuts?! I feel sometimes it sounds totally crazy to buy another bed and fill a room with a bed when i could use some space(I"m not crawling over the machines to get to the door yet!) but I like standing in the door and looking at my quilts LOL!

money isn't a huge issue - I dn't want to waste money -but it's not super tight. one reason I'm trying to thing things through is that I have to pay someone to come out and move the bed setup upstairs (it's currently piled in the back part of the house along with a bunch of other stuff that needs moving around once that stuff is out of the way) and they're 2 hour minimum and I want to know exactly where to put everything or have plan B lined up (plan B was putting the queen in the master if it didnt' fit in the other bedroom)

right now i'm back to leaning towards getting a queen in the master so I dont' have to mess with relocating 3-4 sewing machines from the other bedroom and dealing with a crowded feeling bedroom..the height concerns me on the queen setup - the master has the angled ceiling - the other rooms don't.
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