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Old 04-27-2015, 04:18 AM
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Join Date: May 2008
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Now I soak everything for at least an hour in hot water to see what will happen. I only put like colors together, so in case one piece has bad manners, the other pieces won't be damaged (much).

In the case of fabrics, I would much rather put some extra effort in preparation (and avoidance of using bleeders) than to agonize about if/will the finished item bleed - and if it does, what to do about it. Been there. Done that. I did not enjoy it.

If it's a bleeder, and I still have the receipt, I will try to return it. I will go up the management ladder if I feel I have a good case. I consider it defective, unless the end label as warned me that it may bleed.

If I no longer have a receipt, and it's a bad bleeder, it gets discarded. I will not pass that problem on to someone else.

I have even had LQS brands of fabrics bleed - so that line of "only poor quality or big box fabrics will bleed" is - in my opinion - misinformation. (A Moda red, a Hoffman print with red flowers, and a black Michael Miller come to mind)

I also have the opinion that many recipients will not give the item "special handling" - so I want it to be as "maintenance easy" as possible.

The only thing I do have fits about is the use of bleach. NO! NO! NO!

I don't enjoy doing laundry. Special care items frequently end up at the bottom of the basket. Over and over.

But do what one must to salvage/save/maintain the item.
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