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Old 05-15-2015, 11:35 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 36
Default Help..Im Ready to Cry

If this has been discussed previously, sorry I missed it.
I have been quilting for about 6 years. I have actually made quite a few quilts, so I would consider myself an advanced beginner/early medium level. Now all of the sudden I feel like I am back to a negative level with my sewing just a straight 1/4 inch seam allowance.

I bought all the 1/4 inch gadgets/feet to help me insure that I sew a 1/4 inch. Still no luck.

Then I thought it was my cutting that was off. I bought a Fiskar Rotary Cutter & Ruler Combo last fall. And I still continued cutting what I thought was "wavy edge" or not straight enough seams 2 1/2 inch fabric strips. Thus, I still felt & measured that my blocks were off. Then early this year, I bought a Stripology Ruler. I thought this would be IT!!! and I would cut perfect 2 1/2 inch strips. Well no...I am still finding wavy fabric strips. I have discovered that after cutting the strips with the Stripolgy Ruler, and using Magic Sizing fabric finish when ironing my 2 1/2 inch fabric strips. After the strips dry, I have really wavy fabric. I am trying to remove the heavy folding creases in the fabric using this product.

I use a dry iron. Should I not even use any type of spray to remove wrinkles in my fabric? No I do not prewash. I hate ironing. I am proud of myself that I have gotten into the habit of ironing all my seams period to one side period.
(I mean I can not remember the last time I iron anything for myself to wear.)
How do I win this game??? I feel like I am back to before square one I am an negative something.

I almost feel as if I was ahead when I was a total novice and never ironed just finger creased. Of course then my blocks all looked miserable compare to the other ladies' blocks in class.

My quilts always get compliments from everyone. So I make things fit. But, I would really really love to have flat fabric strips and be able to sew a good 1/4 inch seam allowance for quilting.
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