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Old 05-15-2015, 01:22 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Corpus Christi, Tx.
Posts: 16,105

I started out knitting and crocheting at a very young age and did some embroidery. Mom got me an embroidery kit and I tried to practice stitches then work on a small hanky. Wasn't the best but was pretty good for a 10 year old. Wanted to take home ec in high school but was told no. Won't get into the why not. One day after school before my dad picked me up I went to a Woolworth's store and found a sewing book. I had $1.00 and it cost $.75. Hurried back to school and read the book on the way home. Got into my mother's sewing box for some extra needle and thread and made little things for my sisters' dolls. Found some old shirts of my Dad's and practiced stitching small tears and the 3 corner tears were the death of me. I saved babysitting money and birthday money until I was able to buy a god pair of scissors. I had to put everything into a bag in the back of our closet so my siblings wouldn't get into them and hurt themselves. I also had old shirts and blouses cut into shapes for different things. My scissors were in the bottom. One day my sister saw the old shirts and blouses in the bag and threw the whole bag away. After that it was a long time before I even touched a needle. My book and embroidery were also in the bag. After I had my first boy, I tried to crochet again, it was a disaster. My DH (current and last, lol) supports and encourages everything I choose to do. I guess it was about 12 years ago, I took up sewing and quilting. Basically self taught by watching videos and neighbors and the members on this board. A lot of emotional memories keep me from being as motivated as I would truly like to be but I do get some things done. I have started some things and finished some but lately barely starting.
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