Old 05-16-2015, 06:14 AM
Join Date: May 2011
Location: NJ
Posts: 88
Default Help with quilt top on shaggy fleece backing

My DIL wants a quilt top with a shaggy fleece backing but I'm not really sure how to sew the quilt top to the shaggy fabric. Also, i'm not sure what to do with the quilt top either!...if I should quilt (the quilt top) to some flannel first then birth it with the shaggy fleece... since the fleece is so heavy (skip using batting and use flannel)? I was thinking of doing just that and just tack the flannel backed quilted top... to the shaggy fabric at intervals...after birthing it. Quilting the top to the shaggy fabric is not an option since its so hairy; the quilting will mash it into oblivion.

I made a shaggy fleece throw for my daughter but I used an embroidered, lightly sequined fabric and just tacked it together at intervals after birthing it...it turned out fabulous but I'm dragging my feet using a pieced quilt top.

It not really fleece and is very HEAVY. It looks something like this but even heavier:


If anyone has any other ideas or advice I will surely appreciate it!

This is going to be one heavy quilt but this is what she wants.
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