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Old 05-16-2015, 01:38 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: England (GB), born Argentina
Posts: 74

I started with an article in a magazine which had a lovely picture of a baby's quilt. I was pregnant at the time! My quilt got to be so that it touched the floor all round my bed, so I found a book on patchwork and the first thing I read was 'Don't start on a large quilt because you will never finish it and it will put you off for life'. I did finish it, but there were no fancy rulers or rotary cutters and I did get 6 very basic templates from a magazine ad of six different shapes.
I started at the same time as a girlfriend and we had such fun sharing fabric and ideas. She moved away and started a group of her own. I went to share at this group and recently she aske me to come again. I said 'How long since I last talked?' She said 30 years. I had quite a lot I could share about.
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