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Old 05-17-2015, 08:21 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Illinois
Posts: 3,916

I had the chance to meet El Burns in California back in 1993. She came up and started chatting and took me a minute or two to realize that I was talking to her, I just love her. I wish I could meet Jenny, didnt realize she was in Illinois. But I will catch up with her.
There is a lady that comes on here, her name is Anita and she has written some books, I called to order one and didnt realize she answered the phone and took my order, then asked me if I wanted her to sign the book, I bout fell over I was so excited I told her I was embarrased to ask her, she is so gracious and nice and told me if I had any questions to call her. I just love the book and was so glad I ordered it. It is people like her, El and Jenny that keeps me coming back and I'm sure there will be many more.
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