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Old 06-07-2015, 03:15 AM
Becky's Crafts
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Central Florida
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I adore my Brother, Laura Ashley, Innov-is-NX2000. It has an 11" throat, threads the needle for me, has an auto thread cutter with a button when you're done the line of stitching, is the quietest machine I've ever owned & was in the consumer digest two yrs ago as the #1 best buy as the next machine with all the features this has was over $6,000.00 at the time! This was only 1/3 of that!! I adore it & the only down side is that it's computerized, so of course service is costly, but in two years with careful maintenance on my part, knock on wood...haven't needed any. It even sews over heavy blue jean seams without a problem!! Wouldn't trade it for the world!!
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