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Old 06-11-2015, 10:34 PM
sophiebernina's Avatar
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Posts: 92

Originally Posted by silliness View Post
I'm an over analyzer and perfectionist, too, so I know what you are going through. I spend hours each day on the internet researching various quilting topics. Hours that could be spent quilting. LOL

I think the others are just trying to make sure that you stay focused on working on the quilt rather than stressing about whether it will last for 100 years. As you know, us over analyzers can wear ourselves out with the thinking and planning and then when it comes to actually doing the work, we are over it and on to the next thing. Keep your focus on finding a fabric and pattern that your mom would like, make the quilt, and the rest will sort itself out.

It is going to be great no matter what you do!
I think you and I are very similar!
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