Thread: Ice Cube Bins
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Old 06-18-2015, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Peckish View Post

When I was a kid, we didn't have refrigerators that made their own ice cubes. You had to fill the trays, wait until they froze, then twist the trays to make the cubes pop out. We'd put the cubes in the bin, refill the trays with water, freeze them.... shampoo, rinse, repeat.

I'm surprised people have forgotten this, I'm not THAT old!
OMG we always had the aluminum trays, but we cranked the lever to loosen the ice, then picked the cubes out as needed. I don't think we ever had a bin to empty them in! Haha.

But we never put ice in anything other than highballs, or maybe an ice tea for company. I used to watch my mom make a pitcher of Tom Collins, with fresh slices of fruit, but all I got was the lemon-lime soda! And we didn't put ice in soda, or water. It came from the fridge, that was cold enough.

Maybe ice cube trays if they still exist would be good for holding machine feet.
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