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Old 07-29-2015, 01:46 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Tallmadge, OH
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Default IPad users beware

I have an iPad Air. Beginning last night, when I'd look up something on Safari, I'd get a message that said something like, "Suspicious activity Might have been detected. Major security issue. To fix it, please call Support for Apple:+1-800-447-8361 (Toll free) immediately." It also said, "O.K." When I clicked on "O.K.",it would not go away. I was suspicious so I went to where they listed all support lines, and that wasn't one of them. I called our Apple retail store. They went through a lot of things with me and even had to walk me through how to delete that box. He said that it was someone going "phishing" and I did the right thing by not calling that number.
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