Old 08-09-2015, 04:17 AM
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Ohio
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by kellen46
I have some printed quilt blocks that are line drawings of Oregon Light houses, blue lines on white, and a set of Oregon trail line drawings, brown on white. I thought I had a set of Oregon covered bridges, line drawn pictures on muslin. These are sort of like illustrations from a book. I cannot find the covered bridges I thought I had, I have done the light houses and Oregon trail quilts and wanted the covered bridges as well. It does not have to be Oregon covered bridges, just covered bridges in general. All I can find are painted full color ones...anyone understand what I am talking about? I have googled until I am blue and cannot find them...somewhere is a set languishing in a stash....can anyone help me find them?
I located these on Ebay, www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=covered bridge quilt pattern.
There are 12 blocks, Good Luck to You.
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