Old 08-10-2015, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Pat P
Really think it is the quilt fairy, if she is having a bad day look out.. I set my speed on the 2nd speed. Still have trouble with thread shredding. Can hear the machine sound change right before it snaps. I use Titanium needles, heard tell to use a jean needle. Metallic needles have a bigger eye. Oh well back to the shop where they will tell me a 50$ foot will solve all my problems (not).
Well the quilting gremlins must have left my house and migrated to yours....without doing anything significantly different the shredding has stopped...knock wood. But last night it took me six tries to put a zipper in on a little bag...a task I have done so many times I could do it blindfolded.....ahhh, I hate it when the bad sewing fairy comes for a visit...go away little nasty.
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