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Old 08-10-2015, 06:16 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: The Finger Lakes of upstate NY
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Hi, neighbor! If it were still light out, you could see me waving at you!

Two reasons I'll never go with anything other than a Bernina again:

1. All metal inside. My first Bernina, that I still use and love as much as the day it came home 20 years ago, got knocked onto a concrete floor. It weighs 24 lbs., Katherine's cat weighed 10 or 12 at the time. How he did it, I'll never know. Other than pick it up, I didn't even want to look at it, so went to work and fretted all day. There is one very small crack in the back of the housing; you wouldn't even see it if you didn't know it was there. And I think the needle guide had to be replaced. That is it. Shortly after that happened, I went to Patchwork Plus (when they were still in "downtown" Skaneatlas). Another customer had brought in a different brand for service and we were all chatting about our machine nightmares. I told them about the tumble my machine took from the table to the floor. The owner had had two other brands brought in with similar situations (dropped). Neither of them survived; the cost to repair everything would have been greater than a new machine.

As I wasn't sure whether they are still metal parts, I asked when I was at Leroy's today: Yes, they are still all metal. Which is why the 740 I looked at - briefly - weighs 34 lbs.

Second is the power that a Bernina has. These machines are heavy, so I purchased a Janome (couldn't tell you the model number any more) that wasn't as heavy for travel, and to take to classes and retreats. I had it for a year and sold it. Just felt like a toy next to what I was used to, and couldn't make it through really thick seams without a struggle. Having not learned my lesson, a few years later I purchased yet another Janome, the Platinum Jem because of the weight issue. I still have it - and really must sell it as I just haven't used it.

A friend that I've traveled with to classes and retreats has a Pfaff (although I don't know the model). She will sometimes use my machine as she just can't get through thick seams, especially those found in bags.

Today I was making faux chenille pot holders. Decorator fabric, Insulbright, another layer of decorator fabric and 4 layers of heavy flannel. Not one complaint, no shifting of layers, didn't use a walking foot. Just sailed through.

When I was in Leroy's today (went to get a teflon foot), I had to wait while they went to get the foot (boy, that place is a mess! Can't wait until the expansion is done.) I looked at a couple of machines they had there. Much as I love the two Berninas I have now (my 153QE and a 240 for travel - 18 lbs, so a little lighter), I covet the larger harp. No desire at all for embroidery. The 740 and 710 would have the larger harp, no embroidery, and could have BSR added - but I'm not sure about the 9mm, having heard a lot of grumbling about them. Plus, I'd have to have different feet than for the machines I have now.

Thankfully, as they are quite torn apart right now, I didn't want to test machines. Bernina most always has specials just before Christmas, and quite often have 60 months same as cash. So maybe when they open the "new" store, I'll go give one a whirl. If I was as serious a quilter as you are, I'd be taking a complete sandwich with me - and I mean bed sized, not a lap/wall/baby size. You'll want to see how the machine, whatever one you are considering, handles those large quilts you do, and how it feels. Frankly, I'm not convinced that even with the larger harp that I'm going to be rushing to do bed quilts. I still send them to O'Sue's or to Beaver Creek, depending on the type of work I want done. Have sent them through the mail or UPS, but it about makes me sick to do so, so now stick with "locals."

All I want to be able to do is lap quilts and baby quilts for our soon-to-be baby! Katherine is due in January.

Phew - what a long message! Sorry to write a book. Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

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