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Old 08-11-2015, 05:08 PM
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Pretty blocks ladies Bibliostone I don't know how you goofed up but I love LJD's block.

Joan I would love to see your DHG2 quilt and I think I'm going for it using the advice from that blog I sent you I'll let you know how it goes.

Ok I finally got off my but and convinced Bee’s block to cooperate with me. Bee my goal was to make a traditional block with some sort of ties to Paris I thought that finding a block like that would be simple you know like the road to California or Ohio Star…….hahahahaha

Well that didn’t happen the best I could come up with is provincial quilting also known as boutis which is a form of whole cloth quilting done with a stuffing technique somewhat like trapunto. Provincial quilting is traced back to 17 century France. So in my utter ridicules fashion I created a hybrid provincial trapunto block the map is not only appliquéd on but is slightly stuffed and has some quilting lines through it on the boundaries and around the butterfly and letter. then I appliquéd it to the lacy fabric you sent. I was in a debate with myself form the whole time I worked on it knowing that since I used a very light batting it’s not easy to detect the puff but not wanting to use more because I didn’t want it to be overwhelming either. the borders were another story and not what I had planned but no matter what I did my hands would not make the small flying geese come out the way they should so I dropped back and punted and turned it into the album variation, variation block.

So My dear here it is and I hope it works well with the rest of your beauties.

Attached Thumbnails bea-beatty.jpg  
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