Old 09-05-2015, 06:26 AM
Jeanne S
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Originally Posted by Maggie Mendes View Post
I love the colors, the quilt. I love everything!!
Can you please tell me how long does it takes for you to do a quilt like this?
I'm a begginer, and feels that will take me months to do something like this...
Maggie, this one is real easy with just two sizes of pieces to cut. I don't keep track, but I estimate the cutting took me about 1-2 hours, piecing the top was done off and on in 3-4 days, probably about 8-10 hours total. I did simple SID quilting in about 3 hours, and the binding was another hour as I did it all by machine rather than by hand. So all in, I think it took me 13-16 hours total. It is a pretty quick quilt to make. I consider myself a confident beginner as I just started quilting 2 years ago. But no matter how long it takes, just try to enjoy the process! I am retired so have lots more time now to enjoy quilting. Hope that helps a little.
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