Old 10-02-2015, 06:26 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: OFallon, MO
Posts: 2,282

Well here I go again. Love this swap, this is my third year. I didn't fill out enough on the list that Terri had us do. Did the same thing on the other two swaps. When will I learn that you really can't read my mind? So don't do as I do, send a lot of info of your likes and wants. Here my answers to the above list. Maybe that will help!

1 Favorite color...I like happy colors, soft blues, purple, yellow, pink
Worst colors ...grey, dull colors

2 Fabric type...30's, civil war, florals, background fabrics

3 Quilting style.... scrappy

4 Pets?....two Boston Terriers, Sadie and Maggie. Both little girls, they don't go into my sewing area. Don't know why, I wouldn't keep them out but they sleep on the couch in the family room.

5 Coffee or tea?... Love coffee, start off with the real stuff and switch to decaff in the afternoon.

6 Chocolate? Who doesn't love chocolate?

7 Home made or bought?... both!

8 Favorite flower? ... Daises

9 Favorite snack...chips and cheese dip. I'll be bring that to the hole this year.

10 What do you have playing in your sewing area. Usually oldies but goodies on my ipod. Sometimes the tv is on when hubby comes down to visit.
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