Old 10-02-2015, 09:47 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 2,599

I'm a newbie to this. Thanks for the fun that has been going on already!

1. What's your favorite color? Worst color? I like bright over dark usually. Otherwise, I like them all.

2. Fabric type - Batik, solids, floral, Civil War, 30's, other? No batik -- I wash quilts a lot and the batiks tend to fade. Usually not Civil War unless I'm doing a patriotic quilt. Currently collecting novelty fabric for I Spy quilts and Fairies.

3. Quilting style - traditional, modern, scrappy? traditional and scrappy.

4. Pets? what kind & how many? 3 cats. and the neighborhood strays that come by to eat. I want a dog but I travel too much.

5. Coffee or Tea? both.

6. Chocolate - love it or hate it? love it, especially dark chocolate.

7. Do you prefer homemade gifts or store bought? homemade.

8. What's your favorite flower? passion flower, pansies, snapdragons

9. Your favorite snack? any fruit but blueberry

10. What's playing in your sewing area when your there? T.V., music, book? usually nothing but hubby always has TV on in the other room
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