Thread: Un-sewing
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Old 10-04-2015, 02:36 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 548

I have done my share of ripping stitches but as annoying as it has been in the past, I can see how much I've learned and grown through each situation. I recently had to undo the top of a purse and adjust the straps. As annoying as I found that to be, when it was done, I was thrilled about how much better it was and more importantly, how happy my customer was. You WILL move beyond ripping so don't beat yourself up so much. There is no quilting police so you are free to rip or not rip as you see fit! 😋. It comes with the territory, but as long as you are still enjoying the process, don't worry about the seam ripper being your friend! 😍
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