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Old 10-13-2015, 03:43 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 453

Why don't you have classes?? Just because you are unable to pay a teacher to come, use what your members know. You might be in for a big shock, with all the tips and things you can learn from each other. If you are less experienced, check out You-Tube. Then you can sew a block or two showing what you learned, then say what you liked or didn't like about the construction of the block or the way it was cut. Then open the floor for questions, but most of all don't be afraid of someone who might know a different way of doing the same thing. You might learn something and they might too. I know just from the QB, I have tried different blocks (outside of my comfort zone, because someone showed a demo that I could understand better than some of the classes I have paid for). This would be something that even members who do very little quilting can get into. Good luck, I'm sure the QB members will have much better ideas.
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