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Old 10-16-2015, 10:41 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
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Originally Posted by litacats View Post
you may remember my $3.00 jelly roll well it made the centre and was the cornerstones for the quilt till I goofed up. you can see my mystake on the top of the picture. these pictures were the right way up when loaded I don't know why they turned sideways. as you can see her dog loves it too. LOL
I didn't notice till I looked at the quilt after I took the picture but she loves it very much.
It was our 50 year wedding anniversary the day we gave her the quilt along with some money to help with her medical expensives as she goes thru chemo, we didn'nt expect a party as she was too preocupied with everything that was going on in her life, so we bought dinner for us all and had a very nice visit before we retired to our motel room with a spa then off for some retail therapy wth DH, new clothes for us both plus I bought him a model train and he bought me a beautiful necklace and matching earings, we had a wonderful 2 nights away spent so much money when it came to pay for the room I was 15 cents short in my bank and they refused to pay it so I had to use my quilting account. But it was worth it just to get away and have time for just us no cats or dogs to feed or clean up after no lap top or tablets. we had a lovely weekend. just me and my phone to keep us up to date,
That was a very thoughtful gift and sharing a peaceful dinner with you must have meant a lot to her.

It sounds like you and the hubster had a wonderful time together
So important in a marriage to remember to make time for each other!
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