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Old 10-29-2015, 07:50 PM
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I can sympathise Kass. We have a 12 yr old dog and we thought she was dying a few months ago. had to do IVs and tests. Found out she has Cushings Disease. she is also my velcro dog. I was peeling potatoes for supper and she was 6 inches from me. and that was only because i had the trash can in front of me. She is in alot of pain at times. she limps alot and has a hard time getting up. But if i get up she gets up and is usually in front of me or beside me. I tell her all the time she is not a planet orbiting around me! I know we will have to put her down in the coming months but won't do it til she gets worse. Upside is she loves taking her meds. LOL she begs for them.

Yes a wall hanging isnt' as important as your loved furry!
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