Thread: Sore bottom
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Old 10-31-2015, 04:40 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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My quilting DIL bought me one for Christmas last year. She also got one. She likes hers, I have a problem sitting on mine. I tended to lose my balance on it so hubby took some air out, actually quite a bit of air, and I can sit on it but not my favorite gift. There are other women who like them at our retreats, guess it's a you do or you don't issue. I don't.

Originally Posted by Dogwood Quilter View Post
There is this thread here on the QB. Someone at the last quilt retreat had one but I didn't ask how they liked it. I figured they did or they wouldn't be using it. There are other brands that run less money. It might be worth a try.
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