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Old 11-12-2015, 09:36 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2015
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Posts: 481

Our local library has an auditorium which they let me use if no one has booked the room. I don't think they would let me spray baste a quilt due to the smell so I pin baste. I push the folding tables together and move them away as I get to the middle of the quilt. I leave the door to the room open and people peak in to see what I am doing. This gives me a chance to do a "show and tell" in hopes of getting someone else hooked on quilting. I have a friend who uses the fellowship hall of the church near her. We have a quilt shop that will let you go in and use the tables if a class isn't booked. My sister purchased 4 long folding tables she keeps in her garage which she sets up in the driveway so she can spray baste. I think any of these would make the tying process easier with using a marble as suggested earlier.
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