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Old 11-20-2015, 05:21 AM
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Posts: 80

Originally Posted by ManiacQuilter2 View Post
I have only pin basted for almost 30 years. You need to get the back down snug but not so tight (like a drum) because when you release the backing, the top will appear puffy. That is because when cotton fabric is stretch, it will retreat back to it's normal shape. Before I put the top and batting down, I run my hands over the backing to make sure it is not too tight or too loose. Do you have a quilt store that you can go and show them your problem?? I have always found shop owners can explain what you might have done wrong. Your LQS should be you best friends especially when you are just starting to quilt.
Unfortunately such a shop doesn't exist here in sunny*sic* Barnsley but the last quilt I made I thread basted and it worked lovey... maybe I am using the pins wrong? It may be quicker in the long runt use thread until the next one
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