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Old 01-19-2010, 09:42 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 7,286

Originally Posted by k3n
Thanks everyone!

But WHY oh WHY is it only now that I see a block top middle which I SHOULD have put over on the right! Aaaaarggghhh! :shock:
I kept coming back and looking at the block in question, and I think it goes best right where it is. If it were to the side it would still look OK, but I think it would make it just a tad more "static". As it is, the eye is drawn upward, as if the blocks and central flowers are rising, like bubbles in champagne! It's a lovely flow.

Sooooo, I like it best just the way it is.

I was in a LQS (which I've never gone back to because of the employees) which was giving OBW classes. Their demo/display OBW was from this fabric, and I was blown away by how gorgeous it was! I had never done one, but I thought of you IMMEDIATELY when I saw it. LIterally, my first thought was I had to get you some of that fabric. Fortunately (because of their prices) the shop was out of that fabric, but I kept looking and found it at Hobby Lobby. The rest is now beautiful reality!!! :P :P :P
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