Old 12-12-2015, 05:33 AM
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Originally Posted by SteveH View Post
a trick to clean the threads of the screws, add a drop of oil and pinch the threads in your abrasive of choice (scrubbie, steel wool, etc) and then screw it out and in to the abrasive. I use a fingernail pressed into a groove on some while i turn it. (I have lost too many to a bench wirewheel....)
I used this trick with the needle plate screw on the previous page. I use a screw driver, as it is a little easier on the finger nails. I have found another way to clean screws - at least the bigger ones like the feed dog and shuttle carrier. I used a vintage, pre-1978 PanaVise with nylon jaws and my 770 type 1 Dremel.


Here are the screws. Left to right: after oxi-clean; after brass brush and Weiman polish; after oxi-clean; after just brass brush.


The feed dogs polished up nicely, too.


and the side after polishing that had been the "gunkiest"


I also cleaned off some of the connecting rods and 'pad' for the shuttle carrier. It was kind of a cross between the shuttle carrier and the gunky feed dogs. I thought I had taken some pictures after I got the shuttle carrier off, but didn't get any before I cleaned it up. I just used the alcohol swabs, so far, on them to get the dried oil off.

I think that is about all, for now.

Janey - Neat people never make the exciting discoveries I do.
Attached Thumbnails screws-how2dremel742.jpg   screws-compare739.jpg   feeddogs-aftpolish762.jpg   feeddogs-side-aftpolish768.jpg  
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