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Old 12-23-2015, 03:59 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
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Yeah! I have to share...I had one too, last night. I've been running way behind in making my quilt gifts. People have been pulling me in every direction and things keep popping up, so now I'm down to the wire in finishing my DIL's quilt for Christmas. I finished sandwiching her quilt yesterday, so I was then at the dreaded step of machine quilting it....augh....I'm so terrible at it. BUT, last night the machine quilting went perfectly and super fast. I couldn't believe it! That's NEVER happened before. The quilt is now beautifully quilted and ready for binding...sigh...what a relief. Now, if I could please just get another miracle for hand sewing the binding on and embroidering labels.

~ C
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