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Old 12-24-2015, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by wildyard View Post
I just had to share this mini miracle that happened to me tonight. I was working later than usual trying to finish this comfort quilt. I finished the quilting and trimmed the edges.
Then I decided to go ahead and cut the binding. Since I was hurrying I didn't measure, just made a rough guess at how many strips to cut. I could always cut more if I needed them, right?

Once they were cut, I thought I'd just quick stitch them all together. Well, of course once they were together, I might as well sew it to one side. LOL you see how I get into physical trouble. I do the same thing in the garden in nice weather.

So, stitching around that last corner, I lay the two ends out to see how much I need to add or trim to join the ends. Can you imagine my delight to discover that the two ends met exactly with just enough overlap for me to take a 3/8t
h'' seam to join them.
I have had my Christmas miracle, all is right with my world!!!
i think that just shows years and years of experience!!
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