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Old 12-29-2015, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by notsothoreau View Post
Here is what I am up against (and why it's not picking up the bobbin thread). Now, I know my two Whites different. One is much newer. But the problem is that parts that seem to be similar really are not. That happened to me when I tried to put the new faceplate on the old machine. The thread take up arm is shorter and bangs against the faceplace. I might be able to swap those arms.

Here's the two bobbin races:

The top one is from the old machine. The bottom is from the newer. The bobbin holder and bobbin are from the old machine.

Here's the bobbin and holder in the old race:

And here's the bobbin and holder in the newer race:

See how it sticks up? That's why it's not picking up the bobbin thread. It won't seat right. Now the newer head is a Family Rotary from the 20s. I think I'd have better luck getting a new bobbin and holder that would fit that. The old machine does not seem to be a Family Rotary and I'm concerned that parts I buy for it may not fit. I might have to give up on it, save the base and use the newer head to get it working.
I hope you never gave up on that machine. The hand wheel turns away from you. See if that helps
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