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Old 01-22-2016, 06:05 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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I am such a visual learner and I am trying to figure out how you iron the strip open when it is sewed on top of the prior strip right sides together. Can you help me understand that concept? I make lots of quilt as you go pot holders like this and would really like to do a quilt but not sure how to do the ironing of it. Wondering if you mean to iron the individual 9 1/2 inch strip seams open. Thank you so much for posting this and I am going to try one with some of my 2 1/2" strips in my stash.

Originally Posted by juliea9967 View Post
I tried to cut and paste my directions for this quilt, but it didn't work. I took a picture of the word document and attached it to this message. Hope it works.
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