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Old 01-30-2016, 06:40 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Tri-Cities, Washington
Posts: 757

Ok it's Sat evening so I'm getting in on this a little late, but better late than never right?

I've been quilting on my mom's quilt that will be for her 80th birthday in April. The center is 3/4 finished and that's all I can do for today. I do as much as I can and then need to rest my shoulder. I'm excited it's coming along. I'd post the pic but I posted it and asked for advice a bit ago so I'm sure it would be redundant. It's a D4P with roses.

I've also been working on fixing the backing on a quilt where I put machine appliqued leaves several years ago. They started coming apart so I am applying bias tape to the edges where they are fraying. When I made this I new nothing about fusible and I think I left the iron on too long so they aren't holding all that well. Otherwise the quilt is in great shape so I'd like to keep it around a little longer so it's worth the time I need to put in to fix it. I just bought more bias tape and got the wrong kind so on to the the other project...
This one I'm working on is an EPP that frames an embroidered block. I can do hand work and still rest my shoulder so moving forward.

Glad to see all your gorgeous projects. So much inspiration here. I can't wait to start something new!
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