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Old 02-01-2016, 04:24 PM
Mrs. SewNSew
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Originally Posted by RuthiesRetreat3 View Post
This is not snobbery. It's development of your mind, eye, sense of touch, sense of 'seeing' into the future project. It's the difference between toddlers and adults. The difference between pb&j and fillet mignon. You're okay.
Thank you. I had started a project using my scraps and set it aside when I really started looking at the fabrics. I have the plans in the works for my next quilt. I will try and get nicer fabric for it since ultimately I plan to give it to my youngest son who plans to move out and get his own apartment this year.

In the meantime I am still piddling around with the project I had started. One 12" square has become 3 with a chance of adding just one more. I'm not sure what to do with it yet but I don't want to waste the fabric I had already cut.
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