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Old 02-13-2016, 09:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Bree123 View Post
it's really not a good idea to tell people to take their quilts elsewhere.
Why not? In my earlier post where I was discussing a binding customer who laughed at my quote, I politely told her to find someone else who was more in her desired price range. It was obvious from our conversation that we were NOT going to have any kind of transaction. I was steadfast in my rate, and she alternated between debating the costs of the quilting industry with me and laughing at me. Neither side was going to budge; why waste the time in continuing the conversation?

Originally Posted by Bree123 View Post
Be prepared to explain the rationale for your prices
Again I question, why? Does your grocer explain the rationale for his prices? How about your manicurist? The local coffee shop? No, they don't, and the reason is that everyone understands these people are in business to make money. However, people working in the quilting industry are expected to work for slave labor prices.
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