Thread: I'm stuck...
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Old 02-23-2016, 11:03 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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I'll speak to the FMQ style. I also have a Horizon and LOVE it for FMQ. Here's my two cents' worth, because I've been stuck too (more like paralyzed by fear and indecision). I'm not very experienced, but I've finally overcome my fear of FMQ after doing this:

1. Make a few large practice sandwiches with fabric you don't mind throwing away eventually. Plain and dark fabric with light thread (or vice versa) works best so that you can see your stitches. The sandwiches should be about 20x20 so that you really get into the flow of a large space.

2. Since you've watched a lot of online tutes, you have the general idea. You probably have your favorite teachers as well. When someone teaches in a way you understand and are comfortable with, stick with them for your practicing.

3. Use the open toe darning foot and be sure to drop those feed dogs.

4 . I set my stitch length to 2.5 for starters. There should be just enough room under the presser foot to let your fabric slide around.

5. Meander. Don't pull or push the fabric. Go different speeds till you find your groove. Practice that. Then try spelling your name. Then make shapes--bubbles, stars, fish, feathers, leaves, whatever you want. That was fun for me when making a Minecraft quilt. I made little axes .

There is muscle memory to this, so no substitute for practice. But you'll never finish the quilting if you don't start. If you have a quilt for charity, make it your first practice quilt. Give yourself permission to flub. You didn't learn to walk in a day, but look at you now!
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