Thread: Quilt top stash
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Old 03-24-2016, 12:40 PM
Silver Needle
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Originally Posted by MargeD View Post
Occasionally, and I do mean occasionally, I will make the quilt top, figure out th e backing; then I will store them together; which is bad because then I tend to forget that I've made the quilts, although my tote is labeled "Quilt tops to be quilted with backings." I have no excuse, except for my DH becoming disabled, having to move to a 2 bed room apt. from a 3 bedroom home, having to purge half of my stash (which included my sister's stash when she passed away), and multiple surgeries, rehab, and the list goes on. Finally, now I am feeling better so I'm going to get those quilt tops out of "storage" and work on them. Anyone know of a nice quilt sandwiching fairy that could help me sandwich them? That's the part I hate the most, the rest of quilting is so rewarding, keeps me from going nuts living with my DH of 47 years, we're together 24/7. So other than that I have no excuse at all. I guess I love making the tops, quilting the tops, but not the in between part. I probably did not answer your question, gave you too much information, but I think we're all a little guilty about having tops unfinished, and not quilted; however, you raise an excellent question and I think I will be more aware of putting quilt top, backing and maybe even binding together, so when the Quilting Bug bites, I'll be ready.
Have you thought about having a longarm quilter sandwich and baste your quilt for you?
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