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Old 03-26-2016, 02:05 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,667

I hope you didn't think I was being critical. I'm truly sorry if it came across that way. I think you're terrific! I knew you'd taken it over as Brat was unable to continue on... That's why I said thank you for taking this over.
I try not to complain and "roll with things" as well. I was gone from QB for a few months after my hubby had his stroke which made his MS worse and my Mom was in the hospital. I'm just now trying to catch back up, and seeing some different things. I just wanted to clarify for myself. You know me, I love whatever I get. And I try to personalize when I can for my partner. I may or may not "stalk" their "about me" page to try and find out their likes...that's my story and I'm sticking to

My faves-
Color: Teal, aqua, green. But I honestly love them all except Dusty rose
Food: desserts..ahhh...
Time of day: nights
Zoo animal: er, snakes (I'm married to Jed Clampett...)
Vacation: anywhere there's peace, quiet, and a lake or beach
Pet: cat person, though I don't have any pets now
Country to visit: Ireland or Scotland, would love to tour haunted castles
TV shows: mystery/scary
Children: 1 adult son. 2 amazing grands
Quilting: taught a lil by hand as a child from my Nanny. On my own, 1999
Hobbies: hand embroidery/crazy quilting, reading, puzzles, my 2 grandbabies

I haven't seen that recipe, but you rock for sharing it! Now to convince my ddil she wants to make them...

Regards all,

Last edited by kiffie2413; 03-26-2016 at 02:08 PM.
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