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Old 03-30-2016, 03:35 AM
NJ Quilter
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With respect to Kay Carlson's comments...let me just say I have spent many hours over the last 3 days sorting through thousands of photos from my SIL's house. She passed away 2 years ago and her son (our nephew) just a few weeks ago. Hubs and I have had the distinct displeasure of going through their home. In some cases there were no less than 20 of the same photo. I can not tell you how many photos were tossed because they were totally over/underexposed. Her line about folks not wanting to see every photo of hers that she has taken in her lifetime is absolutely true. People who we (or other family members) have no clue as to who they might be, etc. We've pared it down to various family-member piles and those now just need to be distributed.

It gives me a renewed sense of responsibility to continue this process with my own photos.
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